About Us

Alabama District Export Council

is one of 59 DECs throughout the country charged with encouraging and supporting the export of goods and services that will strengthen individual companies, stimulate U.S. economic growth, and create jobs.

Request DEC Engagement

The Alabama DEC is a non-profit organization composed of experienced exporters and business people who regularly provide support services to exporting companies.

Each DEC member has been appointed by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce because of his or her recognized real world expertise in international trade matters and commitment to volunteerism on behalf of the local exporting community. DEC members share their time and specialized expertise with small- and medium-sized businesses that are interested in starting to export or expand into new markets.

The DEC also serves as a communications link between the local business community and the U.S. Commercial Service.

How Can the DEC Help Your Business or Community?

In conjunction with professionals of the U.S. Commercial Service, the members of the Alabama DEC can provide individual business counseling to firms that are making their initial foray into exporting, and experienced exporters who are facing new hurdles.

DEC members are available to speak on international trade topics to audiences of business executives and concerned citizens.

Members of the DEC will also meet with federal, state, and local elected officials to educate and inform them on trade policy issues impacting the state’s business community.